What We Do Best

Succession planning for Small Family Business

Are you concerned about business’s legacy and future success?

Are you committed to maintaining family harmony and avoiding conflicts?

Have you a desire for clarity and guidance on succession planning?

Are you sure that who you have in mind for succession is fair and equitable?

Do you hope for a smooth transition of leadership and ownership.

Are you nervous about approaching the discussion and its outcomes?

Are you happy the family are all considered in your succession plan ?

Come… Have a conversation!

Succession planning mediation offers invaluable support to families navigating the complexities of passing down a business. By facilitating open dialogue and fostering understanding among family members, mediation helps ensure a smooth transition of ownership and leadership roles. During the process, a neutral mediator guides discussions on key issues such as decision-making, roles, and goals, empowering families to reach mutually agreeable solutions. With its collaborative approach, succession planning mediation promotes harmony, clarity, and sustainability for both the business and the family.