What We Do Best

Workplace mediation

Mediation offers invaluable support for addressing a wide range of workplace concerns, spanning individual employee matters to organizational-level challenges. Leveraging over three decades of experience in Human Resource Management, I have adeptly managed minor grievances, complex employee relations issues, and large-scale organizational transformations, including startup, closures, mergers, acquisitions, and outsourcing initiatives. 

The range of workplace mediation spans the following non-exclusive list 

Employee & Team Relations 

  • Employee Disputes
  • Team Conflicts
  • Manager Employee Conflicts
  • Workplace Bullying and Harassment 
  • Diversity Issues 
  • Workplace Accommodations
  • Remote/Flexible Working

mediation at the Organisational Level 

  • Change Management 
  • Organisation Restructure 
  • Union Management Disputes
  • Succession planning – family business  
  • Mergers and Acquisitions